History of Benalia

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Benalia is a complex and ever-growing society. In some ways it reminds me of a robust organism, bursting with health. But whether this organism that is Benalia is the heart of Dominaria or merely a cancer upon the land is still in question. Still, this brief treatise, by one of Benalia’s clan historians, gives the reader some idea of the nature and origins of Benalish politics, and of the relationship of the seven great clans to one another. –Taysir

On Recent History and the Glory that is Benalia Under the August Leadership of Tamira of Rosecot.
This treatise is humbly presented by Varren, Historian of Clan Rosecot (with additional commentary by Vola, Historian of Clan Deniz; Ebenin, Historian of Clan Tarmula; Fannia, Historian of Clan Ternsev; Cl’eueth, Historian of Clan Capashen; Sytryr, Historian of Clan Joryev; and Havram, Historian of Clan Croger).

As is doubtless already known by those citizens of the empire who live in the capital of Benalia itself, in recent years the leadership of our nation has undergone some restructuring. However, just as doubtless, those citizens not living within sight of the Seven Pillars may not have had opportunity to learn of the Seven Clans’ wise accord. As Council Leader Tamira’s appointed historian, it is my duty–and my pleasure–to inform all of Benalia of the clans’ most recent actions.

But first, a brief overview of pertinent facts leading up to our present glory.*


Ever since Torsten Von Ursus first took up the reins of the great horse Civilization and guided our ancestors out of the ruins of the once-grand Sheoltun Empire, Benalia has been a nation set on a path towards greatness. Even the name Torsten chose for us–Benalia, or “aspiration”–proclaims our intent to the world. Our empire grew in power and size even more rapidly than that of Sheoltun once fell.*

Today Benalia stretches from the Spice Isles to the west, matchless in their wealth, to the metal-rich Red Iron Mountains to the east, the Kb’Briann Highlands to the south, and the edge of the Avenant Isle to the north.*

Political History

At Torsten’s death, his seven lieutenants read the words of instruction their great leader left them. To which of his lieutenants would Torsten pass the reins of leadership? Though the exact wording of this Lost Edict is lost to us, we know the outcome: Torsten chose none of these followers–and all of them.

Under the watchful gaze of three priests of the Church of Angelfire, the lieutenants argued for seven days and as many nights over the true meaning of their dead leader’s instructions. Finally, they came to an understanding, and on the eighth morning they addressed the crowds, still dressed in the red of mourning, who waited impatiently outside the temple where the lieutenants had met.

“From this day forward,” Ilyana of Rosecot proclaimed,* “we and our families all take on the mantle of responsibility for this greatest of nations. The Seven Clans, as Torsten has written we are to be known, will each lead our nation for one lunar year; the head of that clan will rule all Benalia as well. At the start of each lunar year, our positions will rotate, so that the clan that the previous year was most prestigious is the next year the least of the Seven.”*

Clan Membership and Standing

An ancient legend has it that the gods fought for years over the stars in the sky, with each god claiming the sparkling treasures for him- or herself. This quarrel grew more and more grave until some of the gods began to destroy stars rather than let a rival lay claim to them. Finally, one wise godling suggested casting stars across the heavens: Whatever was covered by stardust from each god’s throw would belong to that god. Since all the gods believed that they would be superior in any such endeavor, they all swore to abide by its results. Today, when we see the summer star-showers, we know the gods are reenacting their famous contest.*

And thus each god cast his or her stars, and each claimed to have received the best of the glittering sky-jewels for his or her own. At that time, each god also declared a people to be his or her personal charge (unlike today, when the gods have turned to matters of greater import). Thus, any child born under that god’s constellations belonged to that god.

Since before the days of the Sheoltun Empire’s grandeur, the great families of northwestern Central Aerona have looked to the stars to determine whether a child belongs to them or to some other great family. In later years, only the noble families followed this tradition. Today, such birth-blessing belongs only to the Seven Clans, each striving to ensure its children are born in an appropriate month. Still, accidents happen, and those born outside the assigned time become members of their star-clans (as opposed to birth-clans) upon reaching the age of twelve. Such an accidental birth is always cause for grief.*

Modern Benalia

Today, each of the Seven Clans takes responsibility for a certain area of government–the treasury, navy, army, etc.–while one clan holds leadership of Benalia for the year. A catalog of the exact grouping of responsibilities is available for perusal in the government archives, in Benalia.

And so we move into the next era of Benalish leadership, the largest and most productive society on all of Aerona. Our leaders are to be commended for their judicious decisions, achieved through reasoned consensus, not brute force, as is the unfortunate habit of the leaders of some of our neighboring countries.*

Pertinence is as relevant as the judgment of the individual who determines its meaning. —Cl’eueth
The remarks of both my esteemed colleagues are irrelevant. The facts speak with the voice of truth. But it is up to the reader to pluck out the diamonds of fact from the plain glass of rhetoric. —Vola

Once, the Avenant and their peerless archers were a part of our nation, but an unwise Joryev leader insulted the Avenant and we lost the isle. —Fannia
Actually, according to our clan records, it was a Ternsev leader who fell in lust with an Avenant prince’s daughter. She did not take well to her kidnapping, and neither did her father. —Sytryr

Once again, Varren interprets the situation instead of conveying fact. It is unclear just which clan leader first spoke on that historic day. —Cl’eueth
Rosecot is mentioned more often than any other clan, Cl’eueth. —Varren
Only if one counts your clan’s handful of “contemporaneous” accounts written over two hundred years later by so-called twiceborn clan members claiming to have seen the ceremony with their own eyes. Only Rosecot gives such claims any credence. —Vola

Some students of Von Ursus believe the great leader designed this system to keep any one clan from seizing power, as no one leader could truly fill Torsten’s shoes. —Cl’eueth
Still others say he was merely trying to force the issue of leadership, so that one clan would have to compel the others to obedience. If so, his plan failed. —Vola
And yet others claim the entire document was a joke written by Torsten’s fool and mistaken for a last declaration by even-more foolish priests. —Fannia

A variant of this–a superiorly documented variant, I might add–speaks of the gods drawing comets to choose which constellations would belong to them. —Ebenin

The practice of star-birth determining clan membership is not as counterproductive as it might first appear. Many cross-clan allegiances–sometimes the only things keeping one clan from another’s throat–are only made due to a fortunately placed person with mixed birth- and star-clans. —Havram

“Reasoned consensus” is, again, a relative term. Do you call three poisonings, one stabbing, and uncounted bribes, blackmail attempts, and threats “reasoned”? —Vola
There is little, if any, documentation of such “facts,” Vola. —Varren