New Book and Comic Pages

One of the unique issues with listing novels, novellas, and newer comics in the story catalog is deciding where to direct people to and how to be most helpful.

Up until 2019, I kept a pretty unwieldy page featuring a massive table that acted as a link hub for old books and comics. Multiple columns for purchase options, some ebooks, others physical only. It wasn’t perfect, but it did work. The page ranked third among the most visited pages on the site—ugly, dense, and yet somehow actually helpful. It turns out that people like having all of the books and comics listed in a single place.

So how can it be spruced up? By not overloading visitors with information to sift through. Individualized book pages aim to provide some basic information—the title, author, date of publishing, and a short description blurb—along with reviews and places to purchase. Check out Apocalypse’s book page for a quick taste or dive into the Magic: The Gathering Book Portal to explore more.

It’s a small change. Few of the books listed are relevant considering we’ve returned to the era of free web fiction. The BOOM! comics remain excellent! But I’m not trying to sell you on anything, and this site will not use referral links (see the About page for more). This is just some spring cleaning to close the gap for curious would-be readers.


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