Distant Planes

Editor: Kathy Ice
Published: January 1, 1996
Borrow for free from Internet Archive

Walk the planes of Dominia with
Robert Vardeman
Amy Thomson
Michael A. Stackpole
and twelve others

In this collection of exciting new stories based on the internationally bestselling trading card game, Magic: The Gathering™, you will find baby wizards and demonic tutors, scavenging ghouls and Ironclaw orcs. Mystery and adventure wait in a world where magical artifacts abound and wizards are as powerful as gods. Discover the sights and sounds of the worlds of Dominia (and don’t forget to try the barbequed throat wolf ribs while you’re there!).


  1. Insufficient Evidence by Michael A. Stackpole
  2. Festival of Sorrow by Robert E. Vardeman
  3. Chef’s Surprise by Sonia Orin Lyris
  4. Foulmere by Stonefeather Grubbs
  5. God Sins by Keith R. A. DeCandido
  6. A Monstrous Duty by Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury
  7. What Leaf Learned of Goblins by Hanovi Braddock
  8. Dual Loyalties by Glen Vasey
  9. Distant Armies by Peter Friend
  10. Better Mousetrap by Jane M. Lindskold
  11. The Face of the Enemy by Adam-Troy Castro
  12. Horn Dancer by Amy Thomson
  13. Shen Mage-Slayer by Laura Waterman
  14. Defender by Edd Vick
  15. The Old Way to Vacar Slab by Michael G. Ryan

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