
This content was deleted from the Magic website during an update. The original page can be accessed via Wayback Machine here.

Rabiah the Infinite is a multifaceted jewel in the realm of Dominia. In ancient days, Rabiah split and refracted across a thousand and one planes. For every refraction, a new Rabiah sprung up, identical to the original. It is for this reason Rabiah is known as “the Infinite.”

Of course, over the centuries each Rabiah developed an identity of its own, and today individual Rabiahs may differ dramatically from one another. However, there are some general features that are consistent across almost all variations of this wondrous place.

Rabiah is a desert world. Where Rabiah’s plane touches another plane, the sere environment often begins to “infect” its neighbor. However, that seldom worries Rabiah’s inhabitants, since they are hardy desert dwellers. Planar links in Rabiah often appear in the form of giant desert twister’s. Such a maelstrom violently propels any who venture near it into whatever plane that gate links to.

Although most Rabian cultures are patriarchal and Arabic in feel, the vast range of Rabiahs also includes matriarchies and even a realm of horrific evil rivaling Phyrexia itself for sheer despair and terror.